We are so, very happy to meet you here. Today, our Youth Services Coordinator, Kris Good will be sharing some whimsy for you as an introduction to the New Buffalo Township Library's new blog.
The Joy of Being a Youth Librarian: An Introduction.
As I sit here in the quiet of Youth Services, contemplating the programs, displays and wonders to create, it is a bit difficult to not let my mind wonder. And it usually wonders to the marvelous little people that pass through. A few weeks ago, I magically got a new little employee, part-time, temporary, but a fantastic co-worker. Jackson comes in suited up in his tie to play. But, a thought occurs to him. He realizes he needs to work at the library (and right he is). So, Jackson declares he is our new employee and I jump on board. Showing him how we close the library for the night and mentioning to him that he will be paid in skittles. On our journey up the stairs to close, Jackson asks what time he needs to be at work tomorrow. To which I reply 8:30 am, sharp! "I'll be there!" says Jackson, glancing at his Grandma for confirmation.
This is just one of the hundreds of magical stories we have accumulated in Youth Services over the years. The ability to see our children enter our library, bright, and shiny eyed. In awe of books, words and the world of the library is all of the magic one needs.