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National Library Week

From trailblazing women spreading the word of books and offering a mobile library by horse, to Carnegie setting up beautiful libraries to the public, to our modern institutions that offer the public community centers...libraries have held a dear spot in our hearts. So much love has been put into these institutions, that we have been given our own holiday. A week to recognize, and share the importance of our houses of knowledge and books.

In 1957, a committee was formed between the American Library Association and the American Book Publishers. In 1958, the two created what was to become National Library Week. A time to help people become motivated to support their libraries, show what they have to offer...and of course read.

The week of advocacy was a smash hit. 5,000 communities nationwide participated in the ALA and ABP's campaign. The two non-profits pushed posters, buttons and literature to further their plight for why libraries are important and also why they should continue to garner more funding. The first theme, "Wake Up and Read!" was a massive success.

With a different theme created each year, this year's theme is, "Connect with your Library." With multiple meanings, the theme encourages the community to be able to "get connected" in utilizing the library for their technological availability, engage with our programming for all ages, and most importantly how the library connects it's community together.

Those that patronage the library know of it's importance. A place to make friends, read for free, a refuge, a technological link to the rest of the world, social services, free programming, a place for playdates, meetings, and this list could grow and grow. Libraries have always had a strong advocacy. But, with the onset of time, that need has grown ever stronger. With the changing of the world, the need for us to be supported grows. National Library Week is a marvelous time to reach out for that support. To spread the word of just how amazing these institutions are, how necessary they are, and how it is up to our communities to team up and work hard to keep them viable.

This library week, what will you celebrate about your library?

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